Fast Automated Testing with Katalon and Robot Framework

Most of the time in the part of development in software application, users request complex business logic to be implemented in a very tight time. Therefore, as long as business requirements grow, the team would like to start automated testing to ensure a more streamlined process since manual testing is not suitable again for critical and complex applications in terms of both human resources and time. With automated testing, development team can save approximately about 68% ..

Create Your Own Dashboard Easily with Laravel Nova

By using this tool, you can easily create and manage your admin panel of your website without having create it from scratch. The cool thing about Nova is it can be used for PHP or Vue.js because of Laravel compatibility. Hence it makes your admin panel can be flawless and writing custom components is a cinch.

Gatsby Cool Swag

This year Github and GatsbyJS are holding an event for the open source community so that they can appreciate the open source contributor’s effort and contribution to Gatsby. As the token of appreciation for this program, everyone who contributes to Gatsby is eligible to receive free swag!